Thursday, December 16, 2010

catch up time!

So much has happened the last couple of months I thought I would give you a peek into some of the things we have been up to!
First of all, in August Alec and I celebrated our first anniversary. We were up in Washington for Alec sister Taylor's wedding so my in-laws put us up in the hotel where we stayed for the first part of our honeymoon (which was AMAZING and so much fun by the way). I personally loved the cool weather as I was 8 months pregnant and always hot. It was probably the first time I had been cool in months! So along with attending Taylor and Adam's wedding, Alec and I toured around Seattle and visited our families! It was such a sweet memory, we had so much fun being together and celebrating one amazing year together. We have been so happy, I can't even believe it!

We spent a lot of time with Alec's uncle Ed. He is the master of knowing his way around Seattle and it was so fun for me to get to know him better.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

so I finally decided that it was high time Alec and I get a blog. It seems to be an unspoken rule that a blog is required to connect in the married world but now that we have a baby on the way I decided that this step is long overdue. plus, i already have all kinds of baby things I want to blog about! and even if no one reads them at least I get to talk about it. Alec may or may not be a little embarrassed of how feminine our blog looks, but sooner or later I will figure out how to add more manly things to it.:) So hopefully you will all enjoy hearing about our life together. Alec and I have been married for a year next week and our little boy will be born in almost exactly 2 months. Life is amazing right now, we just love being together. I'll post a few recent pictures so you can get caught up on what we've been up to for the past few months.