Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Leaving Minico

At the behest of my lovely wife, here are some pictures of the last day of school at Minico. I am really going to miss those students. They were all so fun and so spiritually mature that they made coming to work everyday a true joy. Pictured are some of the most amazing and most ridiculous kids you will ever meet. We miss Idaho!!

This was a super fun class- 2nd hour

This picture has a funny story behind it. To make a long story short,  there is a little  Mexican  restaurant about 15 miles north of Rupert-smack dab in the middle of nowhere- that all of my students swear by.  They tried to tell me how to get there all semester, but after 2 prior unsuccessful attempts, Christine and I were ready to quit. However, as it was the last day of school, we thought we might give it a try, so we went and finally found the mysterious "Penny's", aka "The Luncheria", aka "Norleans" aka, "It doesn't really have an official name,  it is just that place by the 'blue house'". Seriously! When we finally-amazingly, miraculously- found it, low and behold we found about 20 of my students, mostly sophomores, there eating. I, of course, was greeted with a standing ovation at my mere presence...
My first hour class was legit

 Crowded office

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